Friday, April 23, 2010

Wilting Petals- The Petal Adults

Adults of the Petalians

This silly idiot is Brighte's dad. He seems to enjoy doing extremely annoying, stupid things, and generally pissing me off. But hey. The Suicide function in InSim is one of the many reasons I still have it.
I can't remember much about him, though.

This is Matthew's mother (no genetic resemblance since I focused on the teens more)
She dotes on her son and admires his cold-hearted personality.
I think that's odd, but each Sim to their own! Beside that she's generally quiet.

This is Kiri's mother, Alice. I assigned her to cooking duties so she's at most meals interacting with the hungry teens (the other two adults are anti-social for no apparent reason.)
She randomly made this face during a lunch that was more than mildly entertaining, mainly because of Matthew:

"What do you mean, 'Matthew gets the smallest bedrooom'?! Do you have a DEATHWISH?!"

(More of Matthew's teen moodiness to come soon ;).)

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